Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank You Mindy!!!

We had so much fun in Utah. One of the most fun things I did was have Mindy take pictures of Lily. I only found out recently that she is AMAZING and will be starting her own business! She is inspirational. It always amazes me when people I already think are pretty much perfect turn out to have hidden talents! Here are a few of the pictures from our shoot. If you knew how difficult Lily was being during this then you might appreciate these even more!


Claudia said...

I love the pictures. Lily is so cute, and you are such a babe! Glad you had a good time in UT...I was so jealous when I heard B & E got to go visit you. I miss you tons!

Beverley said...

These are FABULOUS!!!! Oh my gosh Meg you and Lily are the most photogenic mom/daughter combo ever! I really want to come and visit before she grows up out of adorable baby stage!