Monday, May 16, 2011

The Quick Cricket Preschool Presents. . .

I have big ideas.  I like complicated plans.  I make things hard.  These are not entirely bad qualities.  Unfortunately, I am also NOT a perfection and thus my grand schemes are often poorly executed.  This time, though. . .this time. . .things (I hope) will be different.

I have started a new blog for my preschool.  And, yes, my idea was bigger than my ability to complete it but I have put a few things up.  One thing I do plan to post about is our epic end of the year program including our theatrical production of the classic children's book The Giant Jam Sandwich.  Tomorrow.  3:30 pm.  Bountiful Library.  Basement.  Come one!  Come all!

I am only suffering from a mild case of anxiety about tomorrow.  And, I have prepared enough that  I think I might actually be able to get some sleep tonight.

We'll see.  I am blogging right now rather than getting ready, so, maybe not.

Stay tuned over at to see how it all turned out.